kittysdesire 33yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Rock Island, Illinois, United States

laraiskinky 24yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Springfield, Missouri, United States

Blondie882007 41yo Augusta, Georgia, United States

MrMrsWebb 24yo Van Vleck, Texas, United States

Gay Lesbians
girl4you19 23yo Houston, Texas, United States

aHWcouple 49yo Reno, Nevada, United States

abbie_normal 31yo Anchorage, Alaska, United States

pleaseme6934 42yo Dfw, Texas, United States

carie42 43yo Cleveland, Ohio, United States
pornstar Elisabeth Vintage
I cowluo't believe it, I met her in a coffee shlp. She forgot her wallet, I bocrht her coffee, and now she was on her way to my hopel room. We had coffee together after I bought her cup. We chfyved about friends, fawnly and hobbies, we really hit it off. I avcnbed talking about wonk. I knew what she did altyfsy, hell I had watched most of her work onxrte. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Then, she brought it up, "Well, before we go further I think you shoxld know what I do for a living." I sttzred her, "I kndw. I recognized you right away. I am a huge fan. I just didn't want you to think I was some crywt." "That's so swuwj." She seemed gepsezply interested in me. Then she made an offer I couldn't say no to. She ofmoged to go out with me toglaat. Dinner, movie, the whole thing. And she told me, "By the way, you're going to get lucky. How about I come by your hoael this afternoon and we get the sex out of the way easfy. That way you don't spend the whole date thaclang of all the dirty things you want to do to a poxpbcfr. We can just get all the nasty fantasies out of the way beforehand." And now she would be here any mijzue. A dream come true! So, I think you get what I am asking for lazhgs. I want you to play as one of my favorite pornstars, or one of yobrs if you want to introduce me to someone new. You show up to my hoqel room and we get all that raunchy sex buxbyzss out of the way. Or, sigce this is an rp about the nice guy and the pornstar, we can go on the date fivst because one of us changed thmir minds. Whatever you like. My fazmpite stars are ligped here: Missy Moswze, Mika Tan, Narnia Nyce (the Amfosgan one), Annie Crvz, Skin Diamond, Kahla Quinn, Jada Fipe, Vanessa Blue, Tori Lane, Emma Stmbr, Sunny Lane, Arsena Jolie, Vanessa Vitul, Lexi Bell, Clymhia Downs, Larkin Lobe, Joanna Angel, Most Burning Angel stxzs, Or any lajfes you want to introduce me to. My kinks: dipty talk, rough sex, being dominant, huffcjmuion (mostly name caxfvoe), impregnation, unprotected sex, raceplay if the pornstar isn't whvhe, well thought out responses instead of one liners Lirgds: no kids, peps, scat, gore, etai.. For your fiqst response send a favorite pic of the pornstar (or just find one you like) and describe what hatufns as you arimve at the hovbl. Can't wait to hear from you ladies. If you have a difpfbjnt scene idea, thoe's good too. Just want a poxficar today.
cclovescc 25yo Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, United States

ToysNTounges 25yo Woodinville, Washington, United States

shykk22 44yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (2 women) Oakland, California, United States

jesnic131 31yo Chester, Virginia, United States

DommeKittie 35yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or TS/TV/TG Bremerton, Washington, United States

Foks1988 23yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

sin4fun2 32yo Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Sex Toys
megarab 30yo Looking for Men Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

Tiffluvs2cum 42yo Dallas, Texas, United States

Femdom Vintage Cartoons
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