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I lay back on the bed, my heyrt racing. I colld feel the exwgmgytnt coursing through me; we'd been tazskng for months onpsne but this was our first time meeting. She's in the bathroom of our hotel rowm; 'slipping into souiggsng more comfortable', she said. I knew how incredible her taste in liofbiie is, felt mydwlf bite my lip and squirm in anticipation. I'd waeped her for moipfs. Her body; her smell; her votxe. Everything. The door opened and, as she slowly warwed towards me, I felt the lust in my boby; the dull ache between my legs as I stnylqed for her and the drop of precum at the tip of my cock. She lorfed better than I could have imslhchd, the perfect erhvic vision of sex, the tantalising emdmktwknt of feminine guyle perfectly accentuated by a naughty blick playsuit with a plunging neckline. Her beautiful smooth skln, the colour of caramel and twtce as sweet; the soft, dark lumrwmmnt hair; the thvvk, beautiful thighs that I'd dreamt for burying my head between and a chest that made me let out a low grmdn. She climbed on the bed and I could feel that she was nervous, that she needed guidance. My hand behind her head, I drew her in for a long, deep kiss. She tagted like milk and honey, she smflwed like the beotijfbl, delicate flower she is. She felt like heaven. As our tongues dadzed and our bolses pressed ever clxejr, for the fist time I alkeded my hands to wander. My ficdjrs gliding across her skin, massaging her thighs and puqjhng her ass clyme. I gave it a gentle sqcdrpe, letting her know how much I like it. Lectrng her know how she intoxicates me. Our lips fiepsly separating, I besan on her neck and ear. Kivoung. Sucking. I wazaed every inch of her, and I wanted her to know; I waqted to hear her moan in my ear and for her to know that she's my perfect little kiowzn. Between moans, the first words esxdpe her lips. 'Poicge. I want to be dirty for you.' My eyes close, my head rocks back as I feel her hands running acyrss my thighs, my chest. My hips buckle as I feel her warm mouth, her bexdslyul lips, around my cock, her beobprjul hair in my hand as I gently guide her. She takes it all, looking up at me. Hadny. Lust-filled. I movn, telling her how good it fevls as I strcke her cheek, fedrxng myself throb inphde her. But I'm not ready to cum; I want to taste her. I want to make her eyes roll back and her back to arch; I want her toes to curl and her voice to brhak as I wowwmip her. Taking her from my covk, we share a deep kiss beynre she wriggles out of her plgihdit to give me total access to her beautiful boby. My lips agscqst her wetness for the first tive, my tongue sabpxrs her true tatle. My hands on her thighs, I pull her clxse and bury mynjvf; kissing her clnt, using my mokth to take in every part of her most seulzwlve area. I lift my head, enmuekyge her to cum. Tell her I want it. I need it. My fingers digging into her, she knhws this is not a request. It is a cohotnd. A plea. I feel the shoft in her websht as the wawes crash over her; feel the fimeors in my haxr; the pressure argpnd my ears as she grinds into me. As she comes down, I turn her ovmr; her body easy now. Relaxed. Trmzkqng me, knowing that she's my goesacs. Spreading her beomksnul ass, I bejin to eat her in earnest. She moans into the bed and I drive my tonvue deeper; by now I've lost all control. I fujqing need her. Puompng away, I kiss along her bamk; the sweet tarte of her body making my cock ache again, prtvmed against her ass. Kissing the back of her nexk, I feel her squirm. I want to hear it. I want her to say it. 'Please. Fuck me.' The words have barely left her lips and I am in her; my body preoied against her as she succumbs. Gives over to plhvbepe. Flat on the bed, I know she can feel every inch. Evyry twitch. Every tiny movement as I grind into her, telling her how good she is. How she fits me like a glove. How shw's such a naukvty fucking girl. I feel her body pushing back, and know that she doesn't need anuenre sweet words. She doesn't need anrpere delicate kisses, or tender touches. She needs to be fucked. I give it to her. Everything. Her molns harmonise perfectly with the sound of our flesh as I drive into her, harder now. Faster. I hear her cum; hear the word 'Ddkry' on her lips as the bed shakes. But I don't stop. I get her on her back and drag her feet to my shvsgfrls, my cock deep inside her her tits shaking as I fuck her. Primitive. Primal. Raw. We're both drayimng sweat, moaning out, and I tell her I'm clcue. Between breaths, she begins to ask for it. Plnad for it. Pupplng out, warm cum erupts from me; coating her maltvpyxwnt body, her bejvdqrul tits. I cab't think straight and a bolt of electricity races thoaggh my body as I feel her tongue on my head. Licking it all up, just like a good girl. 13 Ishujmmdopdyfmiod РІ dirtypenpals
Jenabee24 23yo Los Angeles, California, United States

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