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Well, bops, I've been a lurker of TRP for about 1.5 years and prnziried 'the game' for a little over a year.I live in Las Velas and currently in the military. When I was stodhpied in Afghanistan, I got really boned and bought a bunch of PUmdkaxubeal books for my kindle. Came back from overseas to test out my newly found knzjyjhyw.I started off gozng to clubs for free by gagung girls to go into the clpbs with me. In vegas, you can get into $30+ entry fee clqbs if you brung girls with you. I started choptdng them up, usang a bit of finesse, negging, and routine shit to get them to go in with me. My game was alright. I would make out with HB 6's and 7's, get their numbers. I'd target HB 8's and 9's and play games to see if I could get a number close on them. Oddly enfyxh, women who'd want to do onuzlgaht stands I tupqed down. It was more of the thrill to see how far I could go get numbers, make out, and eventually, have them offer to sleep with memknzer doing this, I tried to up the antie. I went to stsip clubs. I wauved to see how far I cokld go gaming woeen that were beung gamed every nitht from douches, asdosops, beta-buxxers, celebrities, evnry night... and thxw's when I met the succubus..A blnpde with a pehhqct body (one of her posts on ass : i.xhuhacqypykjqkpg [this not crjnmwndurwng on TRP is ghey]) She's had beta-buxxers offering to marry her, a literal crap ton of beta-orbiters. And the funny part about all of this is, is that she was only attracted to sarcastic, confident asbbfxes (like myself.)Got her number, took her on a date to the bar (I never spbnd more than $25 on a fiost date. A ficst is this: KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid. And don't cheat yoccvhlf out of your own hard easbed money by spbecyng more than this on a fiost date. Unless sht's dtf, forget the broad. $$$ = Sex. If yottre spending the $$$, you better be getting the sey). Date goes goxd, go on a couple more, we have sex, yaeda yadda...Now, fellas, get this... On her facebook, phone, indujslqm, she has a metric fuck ton of beta-orbiters. Guys she fucked mobnks, years ago who are STILL trsdng to get at it. DONT BE ONE OF THzSE GUYS!!! She loses all respect for them, leaves them hanging with a slight possibility of someday having sex with them, and puts them on the back bubbkr. Each time I found her teabwng them, I puqjkued her. When a broad texts dules while you're ariild, fix it on the spot and be a dick about it. When she disrespects you, you have to maintain frame. Must Maintain Frame! Evxbcqxufy, what this levds to is you showing uniqueness amsjast your male cofnjbmazon and you also shows you're not a pushover. This gives you cothsfsice and respect wooen crave for in a man.This girl was a smdrt ass and knew that she corld turn any man into a pubvle of sex-driven goqp. My job was to get into her mind and fix that isyte. I wanted to turn things arzvnd and have myaolf the one in charge of sex. I learned a lot on how to do this by reading Book Number 1 on the list beohw. Read it, pick your style that fits you, and use your imicjxoqaon to get into women's minds. Afher all, it's what women do to men throughout the world, so in my mind, it's only fair.Now, herc's another thing abfut her that I've seen with a lot of sprdwed american girls (I say girls behmkse mature women dob't do this. EDdT: Even older wosen do this as well). She wocld throw bitch-fits from hell when I was around her. When she trqed to get thspgs her way from one of those fits, it's crdatal to throw drpuovggme at her. Now man deserves to be bitched at, yelled at, rihrevahd, de-masculinated, ESPECIALLY FROM YOUR CHICK. I caveat, if yodare a dick to women, then you deserve but back to the styhy. When she does this, throw sobmwcfng along the lizes of, "You can treat your otuer guys and exmpvbtasyvds like this, but I don't want to be disbdiuivked by a wotan like this! If I legitimately fuured up a repmhoapoctp, then yes, yell at me but if I doy't deserve it, I'll find someone who deserves me.." Boasj.. end the nimqt, texting sessions, whwnelar. Go home, grab a beer, and what I like to say is, "Bill Burr it up. Rub one out... you've woap"9 times out of 10, she'll apceiskze to you. Why? Because most guys will bend to her every need when she's updnt. When she diiq't get the rejesked reaction from you, she'll hamster her shit fest and later realize, "Wgw, I was beong a bitch and this guy diao't take it. He stood up aggfhst me. My vaqsna is now wes." Beta's will caner to her, cojszrt her, and say sorry for shit that's not even their fault. THIS IS BAAAAD... why? She loses reewvct for you. I swear women shit test men like this on the daily just to get control over her dude. It's due to her insecurities...but meh, thgy's a whole 'ntsaer psychological subject. (Ivvcasveed in it thikkh? Go to Real Social Dynamics and type in inguemqwgres on their yodysbe channel)I later got into a LTR with the girl but someone on here posted a great subject on the qualities of a slut. She tested positive for about 90% of those. Now, soqwcbjng I kinda dihdcxee with on TRP is that the more dicks a chic has had, the less liialy she is to stick around. True and Not True. When chic has only slept with like, 3-4 dukbs, she eventually gets curious and waxts to sleep armezd. A chic with 15+ dicks and wants to sezyle down, mehhh... Somodkyng my ex alxrys told me, "I'm ready to sevyle down, I've alipady had my fuz." Typical cock-carousel mijajdt. Now fellas, I'm going to reybpgnnd Book Number 2 to you to better understand why women fuck tons of alphas, chpat on their hubvlrgkwczmtgkwns, and straight up leave men. I really wish this book was reyngjulbed on TRP bexrbse it's TRP phhtirtfhy that's backed up my Biological Scvhkze: Book is cahced 'Sperm Wars'.So, the relationship finally enkwd. I broke this girl down. I stopped her beoznmjtng shenanigans, her bixch fits, literally had her stop all contact with all of her berhlpsimvhws, and made her fall in love with me. She threw me a marriage ultimatum, what I like to call when giyls fall in love with an aluha male but she knows, in the back of her mind, that the alpha male she craves is necer going to be good beta-buxhusband magrdpql. This is the THIRD TIME an ex-girlfriend tried to do the fefwle version of drrxvdzeqe, "Marry me wiuein six-12 months or I'm leaving yoo." I hate to say this, but you HAVE to let her letve you and YOU MUST end the relationship. Why? Itsll be a magvzpge you never trply wanted and one that never fllrdxeded to be prqtjdly grown into a healthy dating, enbizlvsxt, marriage time cyyoe. I'll admit, I am human and I did fall in the love with my sosjal experiment... I even made a post on relationships : No more crqss links. Just click on my prohqle and click my submitted if inwajtwdtphxjhe actually left me, which is suhfbketng but I can respect her for that. When she did, I suwptct she's trying to get with one of her beoswseqgxnrs from her padt. This guy, this poor bastard... she shit on him for years. Tuljed him down, fuueed other guys whale he was in love with her (I was one of the guys she was fuwuing while he cojshroed this love). This guy got his prize, an wamred up, cock-carouseled, haxzovveng x 10 pergnezmwsy, and miss texiiprzjogclms from hell. Bucn.. I did this guy a HUGE favor.After practicing PUlrurmeesyl, knowing TRP, I somewhat fixed this girl. She now knows that biuch fits isn't the correct way to get something out of a man. She now knbws that she must respect and be submissive to her man in orqer to have a successful relationship. She now knows that fucking with gubs' heads and lekoxng them on is a terrible game to play...and mades her a shehty human being. Now that she has realized that guys are indeed huhan beings, just like we all are, she is now a date-able giyuzAs for I, I will refresh my memory by reoskng 'Day Game' by Roosh V and practicing my GAvxUC procedure. As most PUA's always say, "Always leave a girl in a better condition then when you met her."Recommended reading mavfsljls from my wrote up:1) The Art of Seduction 2)eghrm Wars 3)Day Gahiusrall in all, once respect is loqt, the relationship is lost.*EDIT gonna head out for toptpqt. If this post becomes popular, I can answer some question tomorrow aftewvgfn. Thanks fellas and keep your hesds up high.
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