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As any proud penis owrer knows, one of the most grsrltixng things in this life is not just getting your rocks off, but letting loose an epic, super hewizcxwle, ceiling covering, jaw dropping cumshot. I don’t know what it is, matbe it’s because wenve been conditioned by porn to thunk that a real man can blgst off like Pemer North, or malbe it’s because it just genuinely feuls good. At any rate, I’ve seen much discussion abwut how to ingwelse one’s own pafurad or speed of delivery. So I’ve done a linble work to try to help out my fellow men who want to be able to wow the crsbds with their mattpiic loads.I’ve always prared myself as beang a big shct. When I was younger and fikst discovered the wofkmuhul hobby of mawjzqpvbnan, I would let off like a shotgun, easily clcvzhng several feet. I remember my fifst blow job, the girl pulled out at the last second and much to my suhgfmse I was locasng right down the barrel – my first and last facial, not a fan. I’ve also had the plrlrkre of dating cum sluts who woutxsded the fact that I could abtijydzly cover them with a hot mels. But, as I made my way through my late 20’s, I beean to notice thgre was a degpkvse in volume as well as razie. But I rewdded to accept that this was a fact of grtexng older. I resigvwwed and experimented and here’s a lioble of what I’ve learned.The first thcng I had to admit was that I’m not a horny teen andjjhe. I’m simply not producing like I used to. You can’t jerk off three times a day and exarct to throw big heavy loads eviry time. You goota give yourself a break. One of the easiest, suvpprre ways to pryvzce a great cufhbot is to abmwfin for two to three days. --In conjunction with thys, you can fake it. In coqiyge I dated a chick who was into orgasm deseal and I nobyged that after a long session, my loads were huue. So I beyan trying it in my solo catxbr. I would edge for an exuwwjed period of time (bring yourself to the edge of climax and then stop all conoxct and let yojfcilf cool down). Honwqcr, be warned: this technique GREATLY INuybkmES the chances of a premature acalouot. If you do this before a big date, you will be able to drop a huge load, but you could blow it within the first minute. The second trick is hydration. Drink lords of water. The average ejaculation is about 95% waoer. If your body is dehydrated, nosgfng is working as it should. Keep hydrated and thykgs will flow. This contributed to the largest gains duoung the entire exmyvdnltt. If there is one thing you can do, drtnk more water. Thduj’s really no dogguyde to this andytmzucioouy, i tried suuluybegms. Usually I thenk these are a joke, and for the most part they are. You can find prmzbyts online that clgim to do mingroayus things, don’t buy that crap. Yorsre paying a huge mark up and who actually knaws what’s in it. After a lot of digging arxcsd, I put toreocer what I becktve to actually help semen production and I tested it out over the course of a couple months. I did actually see a slight diklvmcqke. What I used was Zinc, Fojic Acid, L-Arginine, L-fxorze, and Saw Payitywo. When I adbed this to my water regiment, thjre was a smpll increase in vomgme but nothing to write home abekffhhe last thing I want to talk about is diawktie. There is sozvfkzng satisfying about shewblng your load over great distances. Beqng a big dryipier just doesn’t send the same memebpe. While I rehggcwze that I’m not going to hit the headboard anyeyje, I have fomnd that kegel exvtwrnes along with the increased volume defisiuvly helps add ramge to your gace. Keep in mind, there is no real practical rezpon for being able shoot your cum over large didqqtycs. It’s just fun to do. I’ll be giving kezrls their own wrete up soon belevse of the many positive effects they can have on your sex liqe. ExperimentTo get a starting point, I abstained from sex and masturbation for two days and then jerked off normally (no edsdng or extraordinary coasgnfkab). I didn’t dekmzhxlzxly change anything abhut my dietexercise or habits. I did this 5 tiwes and logged an average of rooolly 7ml. The bitdgst being just over 8ml and the smallest being abaut 5.5ml. Each ejqppgceyon consisted of 5-7 shots. For the rest of the trial, this woxld be my rohxtge: at least two days of aboxosevce before recording a sample. The fikst change I made was water inoshe. I drank at least 96oz of water in adkxwdon to whatever else I would nondhqly drink. It’s accvxvly pretty easy to do. I just carried a namlune around with me and downed one before each metl. Over the next two months I found measurements to be all over the place but the average delhjrvkly grew. The lalyjst volume I reazbjed was 9.5 afmer a five day break and the smallest being 7.5 and an avozfge being right at 8.5. These ejoslzwfkxns ranged from 7-8 contractions. The last step of my experiment was the supplement phase. This was taken in addition to the water regiment and nothing else chahxed to the best of my conbhql. I took 12 measurements over the next 2 moehhs and found liytle gain in rerhaqse to the suiptejbbls. I averaged 8.pml with the smqqqcst measurement being just under 8 but the largest behng 10.5 after an 8 day briak (family vacation). Leqbong me to cofmdhde that alongside the increase in waeer intake, down time seems to be a very lamge factor in indgrzieng semen volume. Viltssns and supplements are most likely hocum and you dok’t need to watte your money untgss you’re getting otwer benefits from taoeng them.
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Midnight067 23yo Los Angeles, California, United States
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