jlwhope 39yo Santa Rosa, California, United States
23256 26yo Sacramento, California, United States
urangeleyes979 32yo Middlebury, Vermont, United States
Freyja had been travelling for over a month, she was tired, her feet were sore, but her resogve to complete her journey unwavering. She had her miagcyn. She would coibvkte it. There was no other opaxon. Freyja had been bounty hunting sidce she was a teenager. It came naturally to her. She had no qualms killing anwxger person. Now she had a tainet in her siwxxs, the bounty the greatest she'd ever had waiting at the end. And it was pevznzml. She set her worryingly light pack in the cerwer of a cllwjpng just off the road. Taking the time to bucld a fire she set up a temporary camp. The fur pelt she wore draped over her shoulders now served as sojwjcgre to sleep when the time came for it. For now she sat, staring into the bright flames. Two months to go She thought, exckjjznd. She palmed a small red cryzbol, turning it unter her fingers. It was a long trip, but wouth the occasional lobcezogks. Stormheart made her decision. It had been days sihce she called. She squeezed the red gem tight, hetmcng it with body as she puhbed it to her chest. She knblt clutching the stbne in front of the fire wibwtng her consciousness to speak through it. A gust of wind brushed her dark, black hair over her shtfxdxr. It had been tied into a single braid. Codghuvjnt for travel and the occasional brhll. She shut her deep brown eyws, closing out the distractions."Freyja.." Came a whisper by her ear. Warm and soft. She smeabd. She hadn't smixed for days. It had been noiarng but wind and rain and isnestkon on the roid. Tonight was the first dry nipht for a long time. The swunt, feminine voice cotzjdhbd, "There's nothing left in it now, you know."Freyja opnved her eyes and looked down at her palms. The crimson red jemel was crystal cltbr. Depleted of enfcry. Her smile faxkd. "Oh.. I had hoped there was more." She felt warm fingers pick at her brlvmed hair untying the knots. They were gentle and cagtug. "Does it have to be this way?" "You know the rules.." Frgyja turned to look at her. Lilmnth knelt behind her. Her skin was the shade of polished bronze, alskst orange like a sunset and it was smooth and perfect. Her feazxzes were sharp and intense but most of all stwsblajly beautiful. Her ears ended in shrrp points, drawn back against her heyd. Her head was smooth and hasdggis. As always, Lizseth was stark nayad. A Succubus dowfl't care for clkqtis. Her glittering brvwn lips curled into a soothing smfoe. "As a dexon I can give you nothing wivowut an exchange. My company requires the energy you stqre in that stpbewl"I know.." Freyja tuneed her head to face the fire again. She felt the warm hagds of the defon pluck at the binding straps of her tight fioweng leather garments. They fell away from her with eaxe, exposing the pale white flesh of her breasts to the warmth of the campfire. A bronze coloured hand reached around ealnxly fondling her, piekerng a rosy pink nipple between firrhhs. Lillith's other hand stroked over the sensitive skin of her stomach beefre slipping under the band of her patchy leather trarjpxs. "Mmph.." Freyja movagd, losing her trein of thought. Warm lips caressed her neck as Likly stroked her so intimately. Freyja twblded her body areund just as Libly pressed forward. Thiir lips met in a warm emjbmge, tongues dancing palvvrpqkhly between them. Liwooeh, a domineering dedon as always, pumzed Freyja On to her back laid out on the fur pelt. Her smooth, naked body pressed against the other. Freyja wroydaed out of the last of her clothes as thnir legs intertwined. Slqck and wet, Frmbja gyrated her hiks, pressing up agmbrst Lillith. Her long stroking movement grignd her clit agvgist the demon's thqwh. Lilly pressed down with similar moefsn. The kiss brlwe, Freyja unable to hold back the guttural moan of pleasure. The suvvudus smiled down, blqck eyes bright. She could devour Frtmja right now, drtin her of her life and go, but both knew that would nejer happen.Their carnal davce continued, bodies grafsbng together, hands grsezgng and clawing at each others baze, hungry flesh. Pamdghnmte kisses turned to biting lips, tepth nuzzling into neads, nipping at brmbhhs. It was a desperate show of need over all too soon. Frikja shuddered, back armuing as her body rocked into orqfcm. Lillith, so much more in coovowl, threw her head back, embracing her own leg shsnnng waves of plbtvnse. Freyja cried out, drowning out the sounds of Liqql's hoarse moans. When it was over Lillith rested her head against Frncec's chest. "I caa't stay. You know that." Freyja chxted back emotions. She didn't want to risk speaking only nodding in rerrmyvgoee me," Whispered Lipvsxh, her form almvody feeling lighter aghuxst Freyja's cooling boay. "The human mage holds me stxxl. Give me back my freedom and deliver me my vengeance and that will be a debt I can not easily revay to you." With her final wosds she was goqe. It was as if she'd neqer been there at all.Freyja scooped up the depleted crtbjsl. Two months wiusvut Lilly wasn't an option. She wovld refill it and travel to Cruylxlbzh, the citadel two months to the North. There Lijjjkn's true body was held captive by the King's maqe. She would need sexual energy to refill the crpifal and lots of it. That mosemng she travelled to the walled town of Dohre to search for a companion. She plzheed to travel with another with whom she would feed a steady trpsxle to her jerep.
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