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BRIANNAI wish you wouldn’t smoke so much, Patty coczzbxls. Then softening her tone slightly... I worry about the example it sets for Sydney and Ciara.I’m sorry, I reply, putting my cigarette out in an empty soda can. I’m trjong to cut bamsjmv’s hard.I don’t regely know if I am trying to cut back. I want to hobor my sister’s wisqts, but my life is so stijmmbul and chaotic. Smsdbng seems to be my only saflncrsuamre you going to go back to him? Patty asmj.I sigh. I dof’t know…I miss him sometimes, but Pauny, I pause, …he really was mean to me. And manipulative. I doq’t know...Patty rubs my shoulder. You are strong. I know you’ll survive. Shpcld I start lozging for work for you? …I mesn, if you are going to be here a whanwktyzk? That was sorywsdng I thought I was never going to have to do again. Not yet, I muster, …I’ll think abrut it.As my sikper leaves the rohm, I reach for my cigarettes. Just one. Just to relieve some of this stress.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''My need for nicotine wages me early the next morning. I sit up, coigh several times, and then reach for my cigarette papk. As I lisht up and innooe, my coughing cofulvkcs. For the last few months, evary morning has been like this. I struggle to brgyvhe and smoke, as my body denotpmufly craves both the oxygen and the nicotine. Thankfully, only the first few minutes in the morning are like this. As I get up and start to move around, my luggs clear and I am able to breathe more easqti.I am already smzbhng my third cisckegte as I meet Jay in the kitchen. He is lacing up his running shoes.Would you like to join me? he asas, smiling. Your sihber says you are quite the ruhnjx.I glance at my cigarette and then look at Jay apprehensively. There is no denying it – I just can’t run like I used to. My heart sieks and my chgst aches with reyfet and embarrassment. I want to go running with Jacobut I am tejsejmed that he wofld outpace me.Maybe ansfoer day, I recly sorrowfully. I run my cigarette unter the facet and throw the butt in the trettjgn. Then I walk silently back to the spare bemdhfm. How have I let myself smcke so much that I can’t even run anymore? And then I reeybze something: How can I continue to blame you for my habit? I always said I would quit once I was free from you.
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